07 September 2004

Bottled Water

Have I told you that I LIKE YOU A LOT? Nope, but if I did, you wouldn't take me seriously anyway, like the last proposal I submitted, which you referred to as ultra radical? (It was a good marketing plan, huh!)

How about.....YOU MAKE ME SMILE? Naah...too cheesy, you'll probably have my head in a platter for lack of originality. How about this one.....YOUR PRESENCE IS A BEACON OF LIGHT WHICH DISPELS THE GLOOMINESS OF MY DAY? Oh no....that would make you seem like an emergency light in the all day food establishment.....(it will be as boring as the egg and sausage combo they serve)

You know what... I cant seem to find something suitable to describe how you make me happy ---- the sack of crap that you are, the brat that you are, the snoopy little devil that you are.......and I could go on forever describing even the details of your OCness..... Still, it will only make you perfect before my eyes. Every bit of you seems to fit every inch of this puzzle I have been long trying to figure out......Someday, I know I'll get a complete picture and appreciate the image it will form....

But right now, I'll have to say goodnight and dream of you again..... or maybe not.... or maybe I can get lucky and I will....Who cares....

This is starting to get weird and freaky...... (Like the time when we both showed up sporting the same "I am an athlete, so kiss my ass" look)

Crap..... the slides for your presentation aren't done yet......oh well...see you at work... ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Comment by: tatay
    Posted on: 09-07-2004 @ 08:33 am

    hahahaha....tough luck for you...hehehe


Penny for your thoughts?