03 November 2004

If Looks Could Kill (I'd Kill the Person First)

...Now that you've had a closer look of my face and my features, tell me, how do you feel about me? Say whaaat? Stop! Rewind, play.....Hi...Now that you've had a closer look of my face and my features, tell me, how do you feel about me? OMG I heard it right...

At that particular moment, I'd like to bite your head off. Do I have a sign, a mark on my forehead which made you conclude that I was after your looks? Common, I've dated several better looking people than you..don't be so full of yourself.

Have you ever failed to consider the fact that I may have liked you for any other reason other than your looks? Say, what ever happened to the fact that you make me smile, or that you never fail to amaze me, or that you do stupid things and exit gracefully? Looks?

Now I wonder, what made you like me in the first place. Looks? Have I no other value except for looks? Am I not good enough for any other reason except for looks? Can you not like me for being smart or being nice or being funny? But looks?

I must have grown too old too fast to have skipped this part...


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