18 May 2017

Thoughts for an Insomniac

Hello blog, it has been a while. I have been pretty much preoccupied with random thoughts of heroism and grandeur that I forgot to be grounded. Nonetheless, here I am retracing my steps into doing what I love most - writing. Forgive me if you might think I am rusty. I am. You see, it has been a while since I  utilized the full function of my head and I have been merely using it to separate my ears, albeit I try.

When was the last time you got updated huh? And if indeed I did update you, I don't think I have posted anything significant, enough to swallow someone into my black hole. Those were the times eh? Times have changed, I have changed.

I am trying to reconnect with my old friends, I mean those who have been with me since I started my journey of deviating from the norms. I am hoping that IF, and indeed I do reconnect with them, perhaps, I can start finding myself from those pieces.

Yes I am lost. I do not even know where I am heading. It seems that it is not practical anymore to have  a goal for the long term, other than having a goal to survive the day. I am lucky enough to have not lost my sanity and be reduced into some basement with a panic attack. I try not to go there.

For now, let me get through my day and end it with hope, happiness and contentment, knowing that 30 minutes from now is another day to hope, to be happy, and maybe, just maybe, be contented.