06 February 2010

Tentoki in the Flesh: Pathological Liars

Have you ever had that feeling in your gut that you have been wronged? That no matter how polite certain people are, no matter how kind and caring these people are and no matter how hard they repeatedly tell you that they love you, there is a certain evil that lurks that you can't just figure out? You feel that someway and somehow.... YOU HAVE BEEN WRONGED, but you can't seem to reconcile how.

There are people lurking everywhere with evil minds and black hearts, yet these people have perfected their transformation that their evil intentions are subtly masked by their positive traits. They have perfected the art of seduction, the art of manipulation and my favorite of all : SELECTIVE HONESTY (Read: Lying). These people have mastered the art of pushing the people who love them to the edge of a cliff while they masterfully gloat over their triumph. They refer to the demise of people as a hobby, power play a sport, and destruction as happiness.

But how can it be you say? When you have devoted your entire life trying to cater to these people's needs, worshiping their egos, boosting their morale, filling in for some dysfunction in their families, and when you made each and every effort to create harmony as far as your dealing s with them are concerned? You're wrong! Truly, madly, deeply wrong! These people have no conscience, as if when the consciousness of having a conscience was forming in their primitive craniums, this was already replaced with the same evil that flows in their veins.

A good friend said, you can never change bad people. I say YES, you can't, but you can always change how they affect you and your wellbeing. These people are hopeless, so, no effort to change from their end can be expected. No effort from your end to make them change should be expected. You are just wasting your time. You will never be good enough to these people and your efforts meaningless.These people should not be encouraged. They should be pitied, because that's what they truly are - sad, pitiful, lying and untrustworthy demons.

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