12 June 2013

Danger in a Sugarcoated Tablet of Fun

Last night was probably the most horrific experience a parent could have. That made me realize that someday, I am going to be a great father. It saddens men however that some adults corrupt the minds of those younger than them by doing things that are harmful, non productive yet are sugarcoated in activities disguised as bonding, friendships and fun. 

These kind of irresponsible behavior has probably led to numerous cases of deaths from drunk driving, alcohol intoxication and substance abuse. It made me reevaluate my values as a person and I am thankful that my parents brought me up well, having common sense and grace under pressure at such adversities. I do not wish for something like this to happen to any parent or family member again. If your younger sibling asks to hang out with friends at an ungodly hour, make sure you know who these people are and that they are responsible enough to take care of them. 

As for those adults I dealt with at an unholy hour this morning, be thankful that I am in a forgiving mood, otherwise I would have already made sure you will never work in any other company again. Shame on you!