27 November 2005

Living in a Box

How many beds do you have to sleep in till you find which is comfortable for you? In the process of choosing which bed feels comfortable, how many instances do you share these beds with someone? And in those instances where you share your bed with someone, does it really boil down to hoping that the person may feel comfortable in your bed and never leave, and be there with you each morning when you wake up?

How many people do you have to meet in your entire lifetime till you can say you have found the person you're meant to be with? When you find someone whomyou think is meant for you, how long does it usually take for both of you to be together? In that span of time that you are together, how do you quantify the time you've spent--- are these moments even special or are they products of lust?

Of the many times that you think you are in love, when can you say that you are really really really in love? How do you define love anyway? Does love exist in an age where saying I LOVE YOU is so automatic even if it meant nothing? So how do you exactly fall in love?

Of the many times that someone tells you I LOVE YOU, how many of these instances are those when the person meant it? Can someone just be in love you and not tell you in the first place? Can it even be possible that you failed to notice that the feeling of the person for you maybe genuine?

Why does falling in love have to be complicated in the first place?

So, do you still wanna fall in love?

1 comment:

  1. Comment by: lafouge
    Posted on: 11-27-2005 @ 08:04 am

    identifying love versus lust is the first step in knowing what it is that you have at hand and if that will make you happy....since happiness is the ultimate goal everyone of us wants to achieve. If love and falling inlove were that simple, we wouldnt be asking ourselves these questions in the first place. We would be al falling in love blindly. When we do, it does not guarantee happiness. So would you rather jump on the first convenient instance of being and feeling in love or would you wanna know what it is that you want first? The answer lies in you.


Penny for your thoughts?